Sides 0Sides6 Shrimp - Grilled or Fried11.99 Additional Tortillas2.99 Agave Roasted Corn Grits5.50 Asparagus5.99 Avocado5.99Fajita Set Up6.99French Fries3.99 Grilled Vegetables5.50 Guacamole, 3-Scoops5.99 Refried Beans2.99 Sauteed Mushrooms4.99 Sauteed Onions and Peppers3.99 Southwest Mashed Potatoes5.50 Spanish Rice2.99 Recent PostsAgave Celebrates Its 10 Year Anniversary by Giving Back to Miles Perret Cancer Services for the Miles of Hope CampaignAgave Mexican Grill & Cantina Downtown is Proud to Host CASA Family Fun Night Presented by Bertuccini Law Firm on Halloween NightAgave Mexican Grill & Cantina Participates in the Taco Festival in its Lafayette DebutAgave Downtown Hosts the United Way Kickoff Breakfast